sympathy and empathy in customer service examples

In the Customer Service, empathy is the possibility to fuel connection with the customer, it also provides an emotional bridge, enables the sharing of experiences, needs, and desires. 14. “Is there anything I can do for you today, big or small?”. Assuring the customer of your desire to resolve their complaint should allow them to recognise your care and understanding for the individual’s problems. Encouraging future contact helps to show your company’s commitment to strengthening your relationship with the customer and fosters the progression of the customer–agent rapport. “I can see where the problem is, Sir/Madam…”. Seven empathy statements for customer service Empathy statements: definite or clear expressions of your ability to understand and share the feelings of another person, in speech or in writing. Conveying the advisor’s experience in handling calls of this nature provides the customer with a strong indication of the ability of the call centre professional to find a swift solution to the query. A person feels sympathy — but shares empathy.”. Highlighting that your company appreciates feedback, whilst alluding to the notion that you’d like to act on it, demonstrates your will to relieve them of any future hassle. A deeper understanding of empathy and empathetic statements can lead to better relationships and even a chance to be a more successful leader. Acknowledging customer concerns shows empathy and understanding, and is essential to great communication and great service. But the work doesn’t end at signing candidates with the right traits. “When I am done, if I have got something wrong, I would appreciate it if you would correct me, if that is ok?”. 9. They show that the other person is your sole focus and that you are taking personal responsibility for them in this conversation. Establishing that you want to extract as much information as possible from the customer indicates your attentiveness and curiosity in the matter at hand. Involving the customer in the process of clarifying and solving their enquiry allows them to feel encouraged as to its progress and does not leave them “stuck in the middle”. That’s why they prioritize empathy in the hiring process. Sympathy vs. Apathy. Using the right customer service phrases in your live chat and phone communication with customers makes all the difference between a bad service and a delightful one. Use contractions/short forms of verbs: you’re, can’t, he’s, don’t, etc. Agents with strong empathic abilities are overall better at creating long-term customer relationships. 26. “We value customers who provide their feedback. Remember we are dealing with emotions. The following statements can be part of your empathy training for customer service, enhancing the relationship with customers and showing them you truly care about their needs: Customer Service. Done correctly, and said with genuine care, these empathy statements below will ensure you convey the right message: Empathy Statements to use for customer service/contact centre work: 1. 5. Your newsletters have been extremely helpful. The next two empathy statements are crucial in signing off with a customer and staying empathetic. break a Leg Wave 19, Absolutely brilliant work, these are great empathy words. Uncover definitions, examples and even test questions. This doesn’t mean, however, that you cannot use sympathy or sympathize to describe “sharing or understanding the feelings of another.” The word sympathize is 300 years empathy’s senior with this meaning. Demonstrating that there are no time limits in the job description of your agents, this phrase illustrates that there are not company constraints on providing great customer service. Empathy is an important character trait for customer service staff to have because they have to interact with many different kinds of customers and solve their problems, whilst representing the company in the most human way possible. This is particularly important for angry customers. Get the latest exciting call centre reports, specialist whitepapers, interesting case-studies and industry events straight to your inbox. Most customer service teams respond to customers with sympathy. The following examples of empathy statements will connect you to and reassure your customer: 6. With thanks to David Filwood, Principal Consultant at TeleSoft Systems. “This should be fixed by the end of the weekend, Mr Smith”. Imagine for a moment … Successfully building a rapport with customers over the phone is very important to providing a good service or increasing sales. Having empathy can improve your customer service skills because you can anticipate their wants and needs. “Your satisfaction means everything to us. “What I’m currently doing to help you is…”. “I have experienced a similar problem recently, so I understand what you are saying. The empathy statements presented above are great for this and can be used in many different difficult customer situations. Recognising the urgency of the query and assuring the client that they were right to contact the advisor allows the customer to believe that all their efforts are valued by your company. “Can you tell me a little more about it, please?”. 1 This conceptual and semantic confusion has practical implications for clinical practice, research and medical education. Reaffirming the intention for a quick and appropriate resolution again builds rapport. The three empathy statements below demonstrate how to do so. Now with social media in place as yet another platform for customer support, (Facebook,Twitter,instagram,etc) how can we address empathy as in this case you don’t speak to a customer live as in a call. Here, empathy statements are vital so that the customer does not get frustrated at having to repeat themselves. The problem with empathy is that it … By letting them tell you all the details before responding, you … Sadly, empathy is not displayed as often as it might be in customer service… Thanks to Matthew MacLachlan, Head of Intercultural and Communication Skills Training at Learnlight. “Can you tell me a little more about it, please?”. In some cases, people experiencing empathy actually go beyond understanding another's experience and can actually feel it. Empathy, sympathy and compassion are defined and conceptualised in many different ways in the literature and the terms are used interchangeably in research reports and in everyday speech. In fact, they go through a professional empathy training and presentations to learn the art of empathy. Compare: “This will be resolved by our team” with: “I will ask our team to resolve this.”. The use of the word empathy versus the use of the word sympathy has been a cause of mistake for several speakers of the language. May you please support the platform. “We always value customers who are keen to give us their feedback. What is empathy? I can understand how frustrating that could be.” Maybe also say “if you have any more problems contact us directly via….” That could certainly help. It is more important to be natural, calm and positive than to get the exact phrasing correct. As well as reassuring the customer and providing them with a sense of immediacy, making a commitment to them helps to comfort customers with the knowledge that their issue is being treated. its very helpful especially we are doing our mock call today! Whist reassuring the customer of their enquiry’s importance to the business, it is also important for advisors to provide them with a sense of immediacy. ), and I will be in touch shortly”. Empathy is the ability to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” — while sympathy is feeling the same feelings as the customer and agreeing with them. “When I am done, if I have got something wrong, I would appreciate it if you would correct me, if that is ok?”. What is true 100% of the time, however, is that when a customer reaches out for service, she wants to be heard and feel like the person on the other end of the conversation truly understands what she’s going through. If he’s correct, then all you need to do is remind yourself that you know what the customer is going through to put yourself in their shoes. “Thank you very much for alerting us about this…”. In such a situation, building an empathetic atmosphere is key to maintaining strong customer relations. Expressing the desire to listen deeply to the customer, by giving them the opportunity to correct your understanding of their query, reinforces the customer–advisor connection. The first version is anonymous, lacking personality and has no underlying responsibility, whilst the second makes you believe that there is a real person actively working to fix an issue, and who might physically chase the team until it is done. For more on the topic of building empathy in the contact centre, read our articles: Published On: 30th Nov 2016 - Last modified: 22nd Oct 2020 Read more about - Skills, Angry Customers, Customer Experience, Editor's Picks, Empathy, Language, Positive words, Rapport, Vonage, Ok thanks for this. Empathy statements are short phrases that help you establish a connection with the person you are talking to. I would certainly acknowledge that there is a problem. Thanks to Neil Wilkins, Telesales and Customer Service Coach/Trainer. Empathy is an important skill for service professionals to master. When a customer calls about an issue, they may be frustrated and want you to listen to them. Use “thanks” instead of “thank you”; “hi” instead of “hello”; “enjoy the rest of your day” instead of “good bye”. Customers understand that products and services won’t always work as intended. “Empathy is different from sympathy. There are actually three types of empathy (click here to learn more). Authenticity means using a natural tone, and less formal ways of speaking. In the following video, Neil Martin of The First Word shares some of his favourite empathy phrases and how to blend them into apology letters and emails. When you use personal pronouns (and especially “I” rather than a more corporate “we”) the listener understands that you are personally involved and interested in them as an individual. Researchers in the field have endeavored to divide this general definition between two different types of empathy: Cognitive and Affective. Then, by signalling that the problem has now gone, the advisor has demonstrated that a solution is available. Don’t confuse empathy for sympathy: empathy is where you feel and share someone’s feelings, attitudes, and experiences. “We will work to resolve the problem. 3. They feel that you understand their situation and that you want to help them as a priority. Instead, show empathy. Empathy is the ability to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes”. It’s a bit cliche, but putting yourself in the customer’s shoes is still one of the best approaches you can take. You can share or even understand the pain someone is going through without going through it yourself.. Now that the call is coming to a close, agents must still maintain a respectful tone and maintain their empathetic attitude so that customers feel comfortable voicing more concerns and stay satisfied with the service received. Situation #1 : A friend of yours has had to put her companion, a 15-year-old border collie down due to … The words “I” and “you” are essential in empathy statements for irate customers, as well as other types of challenging customers, as will be highlighted later. Empathy Vs. This is essential for building empathy in customer service. This knowledge positions you to render better service, which leaves the customer feeling understood & valued. There are a few simple communication techniques that can have a large impact on the quality of customer service and the engagement process. Therefore, if you want repeat customers due to brand affinity, make empathy an important part of customer communication and experience. The Top 12 Acknowledgement Statements for Customer Service, Positive Language for Customer Service Conversations, Erlang C Calculator Excel Including Shrinkage, Monthly Forecasting Excel Spreadsheet Template, Multi-Channel Contact Centre Calculator Tool – Phone Email Chat, The Top 25 Words to Describe Yourself on Your CV, 18 Empathy Statements That Help Improve Customer-Agent Rapport, The Top 100 Excellent Customer Service Quotes, The Best Customer Service Greeting Phrases – with Examples, 50 Quick Ideas to Improve Contact Centre Performance, 15 Great Ideas to Make Remote Working Fun, 10 Employee-Focused Customer Service Goals. While sympathy and empathy are not mutually exclusive, sympathy merely concedes a problem exists. 8. “You’re absolutely correct, Sir/Madam”. In order to successfully validate a customer’s wants and needs, empathy is a must. Customer service can’t always deliver solutions, but it can always deliver empathy. They realize there’s a learning curve on occasion. Exhibiting that you are proactive when receiving criticism and that your advisors are in constant communication with their superiors helps to assure aggrieved customers that the right procedures are in place to handle their complaints. The two basic ways of expressing empathy is through effective verbal and non-verbal communication. 15. Pure silence on the agent’s part can cause the customer to feel helpless, so agents should use such noises to assure the client of their focus and understanding. Empathy is a great tool to help show customers that you are on their side. 6. In looking at the difference between sympathy and empathy, you must first understand what they are. Empathy vs. Reminding customers of the business’s ever-willing support for them helps to conclude with a sustained empathetic approach, and the use of the word “us” summarises the collaborative culture on which empathy is based. This gives a more reasonable response and I would only use ‘I understand’ when clarifying facts. In a customer support interaction, it’s not always easy to convey empathy or understanding of a customer’s situation. In order to minimise customer frustration at spending too long on the phone, your agents should use the five empathy statements for irate customers to alleviate such feelings on behalf of the client and demonstrate a caring approach. The best way is to mirror the behaviour and language that the customer uses. “Do let us know if you have any further questions, Mr Smith”. “I will contact you as soon as we have had an update”. If the situation is especially difficult, some more great statements can be found in the following article: 27 Positive Statements to Use In Difficult Situations, “We will help you get this issue resolved”. When you show deep empathy towards others, their defensive energy goes down and positive energy replaces it. Every customer service agent is also a customer, after all. Thus, customer service agents must use both diagnostic and enactment skills to perform empathic communication effectively, a coupling that we call empathy work. Reading standard empathy phrases without being authentic creates resentment and can increase anger. The first duty of an agent when handling a customer query is to assess the situation. The ability to put yourself in the shoes of a customer gives you a better perspective and context of the customer and how he/she might be feeling at the time. Handling situations with angry or unhappy customers involves taking perspective and communicating empathy effectively. Let me see what I can do to help you out”. 4. You will learn new topics like: How word choice and tone can affect customer service 13. You just enjoy your (birthday/holidays/Christmas break, etc. With that knowledge, a customer empathy map is a tool that helps you connect to your ideal customers. Empathy is the ability to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” — while sympathy is feeling the same feelings as the customer and agreeing with them. You can also build empathy on digital channels, but it is very easy to be misunderstood. Sympathy is like having concern and pity for another person's problems and misfortunes. However, you must be careful that advisors are being respectful when using this line! May I suggest “I appreciate you contacting me regarding this and can certainly understand why this is frustrating…..I would like to confirm a few details so that our team can better resolve the issue without delay Please sent us a private message with your account information so we can get started right away .”. Empathy is defined as “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person”. In this training, supervisors role played various scenarios using real-life examples from calls that had come in to the center, illustrating the powerful concept of using empathy versus sympathy in customer encounters. Tip – As well using respectful, compassionate and attentive language to empathise with the customer, reassuring noises can also serve for same purpose. I would steer away from ‘I understand’ as the natural reaction from anyone is to say ‘you do not understand’. I’m hearing that…”. Empathy is the Key to Excellent Service. Many years ago, I participated in a training for a call center Customer Service Representative (CSR) position. On the other hand, empathy means actually feeling that pain, which another person has undergone. Acknowledging a customer’s personal holidays and future plans allows your advisor to add a personal touch to the interaction, and basing your actions around a customer’s schedule demonstrates an empathetic approach. Get all the latest news straight to your inbox, 27 Positive Statements to Use In Difficult Situations, Top 25 Positive Words, Phrases and Empathy Statements, How to Coach Empathy in the Contact Centre – With Three Training Exercises, Customer Service Skills: How to Improve Empathy, Active Listening and Knowledge, Webinar: Customer Experience Tips from Great Contact Centres, Whitepaper: How to Elevate Customer Experience in the Age of Digital Transformation, eBook: Communication is Key to Remote Work, Contact Centre Reports, Surveys and White Papers, 27 Effective Ways to Build Customer Rapport, Guide - The State of the Contact Centre: Embracing the Evolving World of Work, Webinar: Metrics- Surpassing Industry Standards. To embed empathy at the core of your customer service experience, you also need to clear the hurdles and build the systems that give great agents an opportunity to shine. Are you confused about the usage of the words, empathy and sympathy? Beginning a Customer Service Conversation: “Thanks for reaching out about this!” “I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble.” “I understand how that could be frustrating.” “I’m happy to help!” A personal, conversational greeting, ie. Empathy is a mature and professional response to a customer’s issue; sympathy, on the other hand, is reactionary. A sympathetic response could be: "I'm also unhappy with the way that product works." When doing so, the agent should use empathetic statements to convey their interest in and attentiveness to the customer’s enquiry. I assure you to share it with the respective team.” Is There Still Space for the Office Space? Before we get into our empathy statement examples, the video below contains some great tips for how you can show empathy using the above tips – and some more great, original advice. “Empathy is different from sympathy. It’s certainly more difficult on social media as you have less text to play with and it is more visible. These genuine examples of showing empathy will help you identify situations where you can show empathy in professional and personal settings. To finish up, here’s a graphic showing are some of our favourite empathy statements, which can really work well in any customer service environment. 16. Finally, let us take a look at some common examples of empathy vs. sympathy just to summarize and ensure that we have a complete grasp on what makes the difference between sympathy and empathy. Of course, this is easier said than done for customer service agents. This is a fairly broad definition, and can be used to describe a wide range of experiences. Here are 18 empathy statements that can help build customer to agent rapport. These two remarks will allow the agent to avoid this. 11. Customer service directors know this well. Having empathy in your customer service conversations would lead to happier and loyal customers. This involves reassuring the customer that the company is striving to resolve their issue and further building customer–advisor rapport. Making a commitment such as this and then following it up should help you to establish a basis of trust between the company and the customer, which helps in forming a long-standing relationship. I would prefer ‘I appreciate your situation/frustration’. Have we covered everything that you wanted to discuss today?”. Displaying respect and empathy for the customer’s opinions demonstrates the advisor’s consideration for their client’s predicament. Empathy allows … 10. How Virtual Assistants is Important for Your ... Post Covid-19 hybrid (home/office based) cust... 4 Things Contact Centres Can Learn from Father Christmas. The difference between sympathy and empathy is discussed in the article in a detailed manner. Most customers shop from brands with which they develop an emotional bond. After the process has run its course, there is a chance that the customer will not be completely impressed by the answers that they have received. These two empathy phrases will help advisors to do so: 1. Whether customers call about a problem or complaint, your job is to make them feel heard, respected and understood. “I want to make sure that I really have an understanding of what you’re telling me. Providing a close, but realistic, timeframe for when a customer query can be answered, if it cannot be solved immediately, should again take responsibility away from the customer and allow them to relax. I will be sure to pass on what you have told me to our managerial team”. 18. Sympathy – Definition, Origin, and Examples. Empathy and sympathy are traits that are, on the whole, collectively good — it’s good to have a society that tries to understand other perspectives and offer support for people who need it. “We will help you get this issue resolved”. If I were in your position, I would feel the same way. Here are the examples of empathy statements for customer service that will help to quell such issues and rebuild customer trust in your service and business processes. One of the best ways to learn empathy skills is through customer service representatives, call center agents, sales executives and counselors. The following three empathy phrases present ways in which you can make such a commitment. Empathy is having the ability to understand what another person experiences from their point of view. Empathy, sympathy and compassion also share elements with other forms … “Is there anything else that I can help you with today, Mr Smith?”. Drawing on their own experiences singles the advisor out from the company that the customer feels aggravated by. It is through empathy that the customer service agent establishes rapport with the customer. It is really very similar in social media. If we apply the entire article in social media it’s important to have a personal connection in a public venue. 17. A … “I appreciate you bringing this to our attention, so that we can deal with this immediately”. Depending on the situation, a service interaction may be as short as a few minutes or -- when you add up multiple engagements -- more than an hour. The Value of Empathy. So, replace passive verbs with active verbs, which add a sense of immediacy. You relate to them on a human level. So maybe “Thanks for letting us know about the problem. This is why you should stop any line of sympathy and instead focus on empathy, as the Apple Genius Manual suggests. Your taking control of the situation allows the customer to feel as if the problem has been “lifted from them”, and by phrasing the empathy statement in this way, you are personalising the matter and making the customer feel special. Ways to Express Empathy to Customers. What Are the Best Words and Phrases for Building Rapport? Empathy allows you to rationally think through an issue and empowers you to imagine solutions. Sympathy is rarely an ideal response to a customer's problem. “Do let us know if you have any further questions, Mr Smith”. Clarabridge Celebrates Customer Achievements in 2020. Customer service representatives should utilize their empathetic skills to understand exactly what upsets customers when they call their customer service center and use that knowledge to their advantage. That pain, which another person has undergone is… ” questions, Mr Smith ” be that... An empathetic atmosphere is key to maintaining strong customer relations sympathy: empathy is an important for. Agent rapport customer’s situation more ) to them personally the exact phrasing correct responsibility them. Map is a great tool to help show customers that you sense the value of the,. 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