xunit api testing

What is xUnit. Create sample project. In the future, we'll need to update this method to handle any errors that get returned from the API, but for now the test will just describe what the method is supposed to do. Preparing the Testing Project. The protocol and domain and base route of the API are not hard-coded. Create sample project. Luckily, the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging library that it the interface comes from also has a class called NullLogger that lets us just pass in an empty logger since logging has nothing to do with the functionality that we're testing. xUnit. You can either add the files via command line or scaffold a class with the IDE you’re using: We’ll also create an Infrastructure directory for any fixtures or utilities needed to support the test classes: Lastly, the fake example test can be removed: The OpenWeatherService will be the trickier class to test because it creates an HttpClient object to make calls to a third-party API. Fortunately, you can use this script to accomplish the task in a Windows cmd prompt: The above script runs from the root of my GitHub repository, so if you clone or download the repo and run it (on Windows) it should work. I use it to unit test my Document Controller WPF application (.NET Framework 4.6.1) and in this project, the AutoMapper is heavily used to map domain models to view models. In this demonstration, we will write the Unit Test Cases for CRUD (CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE) operations. In this post, we will use xUnit to test how a service handles calls to a third-party API, then how a controller responds to a successful response. Comparing xUnit.net to other frameworks. Lines 6-12 creates a repository and a person with no email address. We will write at least 3 different Unit Test Cases for 3 different scenarios. If your application supports health checks, which I recommend, your first test can simply target the health check endpoint. Verify side effects One very simple example looks something like: We're trying to test "editing", but we're doing it through the commands actually used by the application. Right click on Solution > Add > New Project Go to Installed > Visual C# > Test > xUnit Test Project (.NET Core) Set the name for project as WideWorldImporters.API.UnitTests Click OK Manage references for WideWorldImporters.API.UnitTests project: Now add a reference for WideWorldImporters.API project: It is essentially a testing framework which provides a set of attributes and methods we can use to write the test code for our applications. However, xUnit earns points over other frameworks as it has addressed some shortcomings and mistakes of its predecessors. And add the API key to the secrets store for this project: Test that the web API is working properly up to now: Write tests to describe the classes’ current functionality. In many unit-test frameworks there is an explicit Assert-operation for triggering a test-failure in a context where something is wrong (for whatever reason) but there's nothing concrete to assert on.. Now, let’s add a couple more tests to test adding a person with single and multiple email addresses: Testing an API endpoint is itself a pretty simple thing to do assuming the API you're testing is running and you can get to it. Net core. Line 14 calls the Add method in our repository passing in the person. In this article, I will explain about the xUnit framework. the XUnit is an open souce test framework and main focus of this framework are extensibility and flexibility. Handle the “happy path” scenario — how does the service return a successful response from the API? Override done to close the stream (if it's a file). First use ASP.NET Core API template to build an application. xUnit is a unit testing framework which supports .NET Core . So, if your system is an API, an E2E test is a test that verifies that the API is correct. The API is protected using JWT Bearer token authorization, and the API uses a secure token server to validate the API requests. The packages includes a WebApplicationFactory class which is used to bootstrap the API in memory. It might be running locally, or it could be in a local container or Kubernetes cluster with its own IP address or local domain. In the next post, we’ll then use those tests to scaffold some exception handling that’s missing from our classes right now. This one is going to be more involved. Integration Testing ASP.Net Core Web API - Using XUnit, TestServer and FluentAssertions. That way is environment variables, which you can read in your tests (and set in your CI/CD scripts). What is xUnit. [Fact] – attribute states that the method should be executed by the test runner 2. Set up data through the back door 2. In this post I will focus on unit testing business logic for ASP.Net Core Web API application. In this video, I will be doing integration testing for the ASP.Net Core Web API application. When running the tests, the access token needs to be requested, and used to access the APIs. The strategy I’ve decided on is to test how the OpenWeatherService responds to different possible responses from the third-party API. It seems a trivial statement, but sometimes this statement is underrated, especially when you change your existing codebase. To that end, I started from an IdentityServer sample that Brock built which you can find here. ... As you already know, this command creates the basic xUnit test project in the Glossary.IntegrationTests folder. Before we do anything else, we need to make sure that we reference any projects that we are testing in our xUnit project. So, if you want to make a flexible, environment-specific test that you can run locally and then your CI server can run within its environment and your deployment can run a post-deployment check to ensure everything works in production, you need to find a different way. Compared to other unit testing frameworks, it stands out with its ease of development and its approach to behaviors like SetUp, TearDown, OneTimeSetup. As you unit test your controller actions, make sure you focus only on their behavior. That's the xUnit project set up. I modified it slightly and added tests to it and you can find my code for testing live API endpoints using xUnit here. I'm using .Net Core with xUnit and the Moq framework, and I'm more or less following instructions from their documentation.I'm trying to test route api/user to get all users, and the issue was on asserting that the response was an ObjectResult containing >. This article will teach you how to use xUnit to ASP.NET The core application does unit testing. I'm a big fan of unit tests and integration tests and have written about them frequently. There are three different test frameworks for Unit Testing supported by ASP.NET Core: MSTest, xUnit, and NUnit; that allow us to test our code in a consistent way. In this demonstration, we will write the Unit Test Cases for CRUD (CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE) operations. Otherwise, running $ dotnet test from the command line will suffice for this tutorial. You can get a similar set of functionality with VS Code using the .NET Core Test Explorer plugin. var opts = OptionsBuilder.OpenWeatherConfig(); var result = await sut.Get("Chicago") as OkObjectResult; Assert.IsType>(result.Value); namespace WeatherWalkingSkeleton.Tests.Controllers_Tests, https://localhost:5001/weatherforecast?location=detroit, How to mock HttpClient in your .NET / C# unit tests, Choosing the right diagrams to tell your story, Flutter: Internationalization & Switching Locales Manually, DeepLab Image Segmentation on Android with Tf Lite — part 2. xUnit is the name of a collection of testing frameworks that became very popular among software developers. If your system is a mobile app using this API, the E2E tests are the tests of the features accessible from the app's UI. xUnit is the name of a collection of testing frameworks that became very popular among software developers. In order to run your integration tests, you will need to add a test project to your solution. If the resource is called with a missing or invalid API key, we get a 401 status with “Invalid Api key”. Open a shell window. If you would like to start from the beginning, this post will introduce the project and walk you up to this point. xUnit is a free, open-source, testing tool for .NET which developers use to write tests for their applications. If you are unfamiliar with test concepts and/or xUnit, check the Unit testing C# in .NET Core using dotnet test and xUnit. Testing ensures that your application is doing what it's meant to do. Steve is an experienced software architect and trainer, focusing on code quality and Domain-Driven Design with .NET. But, let’s test those validation rules and make sure that everything works as expected. This will be a static class, and so far all we need it to do is to return an Options object with one of the OpenWeatherMap configuration objects as its value: Not much happening here, but we’ve got a passable object to build a test OpenWeatherService. We expect it to return a list of WeatherForecast objects. xUnit.net works with ReSharper, CodeRush, TestDriven.NET and Xamarin. As in other posts, the aim of this article is to go through the steps with detailed explanations. This article describes how you can use MS Test to write unit test cases for your API. Since in each test, we’ll need to create a OpenWeatherService, we'll generate IOptions and IHttpClientFactory objects using the fixtures created above, then create an OpenWeatherService named sut for "system under test". I also authored the original docs on writing integration tests in ASP.NET Core using TestHost and related types. It follows more community focus to being expand. We will write at least 3 different Unit Test Cases for 3 different scenarios. Unit testing involves testing a part of an application in isolation from its infrastructure and dependencies. In this demonstration, we will write the Unit Test Cases for CRUD (CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE) operations. This article will demonstrate how to write Unit Test Cases for CRUD operations in Asp.Net Core Web API with xUnit project. But if I want to run the script from the root of my GitHub repository, or from my test project folder, that's obviously a problem. It will have a static method called OpenWeatherClientFactory. Lines 16-19 carry our checks. These posts proved especially helpful in figuring out how to use HttpClient in tests. First use ASP.NET Core API template to build an application. In order to make the method more versatile, we'll give it two arguments: StringContent content will be the simulated response from the API and HttpStatusCode statusCode will be HTTP response code, e.g. In the next tutorial, we’ll start a TDD process for adding exception handling functionality to the controller and service methods. I am used to using xUnit as testing tool, so this article uses xUnit. It could be deployed in Azure or AWS or anywhere else for that matter. Let’s create that project: Next, we add the test project to the WeatherWalkingSkeleton solution: Then, to see that the tests are discoverable, run: If everything is working alright, you’ll see the results of one passing fake test. Even stranger, if they run the test individually, it runs fine; it's only when they use "Run All" that the test does not appear to run. Thus, your test might have these properties and set them accordingly: You can configure your default (dev local, perhaps) URLs as constants in another file so you're able to run the tests without having to set the environment variables every time. We also created some initial infrastructure to control the dependencies that we are not testing as well as create a mock version of a third-party API so that we can control the different responses it might give. Again, this requires the auth server endpoint to be running when you run the test: Now that you have the code to get a token using a known good user/password, building a real API endpoint test is pretty straightforward: You may want to be able to launch the web server and run the tests from a command prompt without having to do any manual work. Test1(). Some of those attributes, we are going to use are: 1. Conveniently for us, there is a xUnit testing project template out-of-the-box when using visual studio 2017, so we are going to make use of that.The xUnit is an open-source unit testing tool for the .NET framework that simplifies the testing process and allows us to spend more time focusing on writing our tests:Now we have a new project in our solution named web-api-tests. If we look at a "normal" integration test we'd write on a more or less real-world project, its code would look something like: 1. xunit - 2.2.0-beta2-build3300; dotnet-test-xunit - 2.2.0-preview2-build1029; Microsoft.NETCore.App and Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost - 1.0.0; Creating an integration test project. In this demonstration, we will not implement CRUD operation in Asp.Net Core Web API … When we scaffolded the xUnit test project, SpeedConverter.Tests, included for us is an example unit test testing class called UnitTest1.cs. authored the original docs on writing integration tests in ASP.NET Core, an IdentityServer sample that Brock built which you can find here, my code for testing live API endpoints using xUnit here, runs from the root of my GitHub repository, Download the GitHub sample associated with this article here, Avoid Wrapping DbContext in Using (and other gotchas), The test is async. So, it is similar to the [Fact] attribute, be… However, sometimes it's worthwhile to be able to test actual, live API endpoints. From there, we'll have a small set of tests that describe the classes and can run in the future to keep any new work from breaking the prior work. The Moq framework provides an easy mechanism to mock the dependencies which makes it easier to test classes having constructor injection. I recently received a tweet from an xUnit.net user wondering why their theory tests using DateTime.Nowdon't run in Visual Studio. type xunit in the search field on the top right of the window, the results should be filtered and you should see ‘xUnit Test Project(.Net Core)’ select it and name the project ‘IntegrationTests’ The last piece of infrastructure we’ll need is a static class that can return some canned responses that sort of look like the responses that would come back from the OpenWeatherMap API. NUnit and mstest are common testing tools for. Let’s add directories for any controller and service classes: Then we’ll add the test classes. This article will demonstrate how to write Unit Test Cases for CRUD operations in Asp.Net Core Web API with xUnit project. In a r… This article will lay out a relatively simple way to do this in a configurable manner using xUnit. This allows us to write xUnit tests, focusing on endpoints in a ASP.NET Core Web API application. A controller unit test avoids things like filters, routing, or mo… We used this to evaluate successful responses from our service, then to evaluate the same responses in the controller that consumes the service. By now, our application is a minimally functional web API that organizes and returns weather data from a location. We will write at least 3 different Unit Test Cases for 3 … The setup for creating the controller as our system under test is as follows (Note, I'll copy in the full method further down): After the controller is created we will await the result and convert it to an OkObjectResult that will contain the API response to evaluate: Lastly, we’ll make sure that a successful response from the OpenWeatherService results in a "success" response from the controller, along with the List object that we're expecting: Altogether, the WeatherForecastController_Tests class should look like this: Run the tests again, and we should have three total successful tests. It kindly already includes a test method, decorated with [Fact] , a method attribute that's part of the xUnit testing library. xUnit is an open-source unit testing tool for the .Net Framework and offers .NET Core support. Using this as sample code: This is what the test discovery looks like inside Visual Studio: When you click "Run All", this is what Visual Studio shows: If you look at the Output window, you'll see a … Manual testing is a very demanding task, not only for performing the tests themselves but because you have to execute them a huge number of times. Build inputs 4. Let’s start by creating a new xUnit Test Project and naming it EmployeesApp.Tests: A new project will prepare a single test class for use, named UnitTest1.cs and will have installed xUnit library and xUnit runner as well: In next post I will be covering integration testing of the ASP.Ner Core Web API Controllers using XUnit. Step-5: Build and execute the test project Step-6: There are 2 ways of running Unit test: 1)Through Test Explorer in Visual Studio: Click on Test tab → Select Windows tab → Click on Test Explorer. Our WeatherForecastController requires an ILogger in the constructor. For this stage of the project, we will add some tests for two of the classes that we’ve built so far: the OpenWeatherService and the WeatherForecastController. The attribute indicates that this is a test method without any parameters, e.g. The code to do so might look like this: We might be targeting an API that could be running in any number of locations. We want to test how it handles different kinds of responses from the API, but we don't want to actually make those requests. On the last line, the Assert class from xUnit is used to test that the method is returning the type of object that we expect: The second test is set up exactly the same way, but in this test we’re seeing if we find the same Date and Temp values that we loaded OpenWeatherResponses.BuildOkResponse() with earlier: Now run the tests in the IDE test explorer, or in the command line terminal ($ dotnet test) to make sure they pass. Kotlin killer features for programmers and software engineers (part 2), Building a realtime multiplayer browser game in less than a day — Part 2/4, Opinionated programming language choice (only 3 languages, not 10, not 20) in 2020, Begin by cloning the project up to this point and. Our service gets instantiated with an IHttpClientFactory and we call a CreateClient method from object... Without a valid city name, we ’ ll add code to the API response that we any... Post I will focus on unit testing tool for the ASP.NET Core Web API - using xUnit testing! For your API executed by the test method should be executed by the test method without any,. Will suffice for this tutorial any controller and service classes: then we ’ ll start TDD... Business logic for ASP.NET Core API template to build an application, TestServer and.... Especially helpful in figuring out how to use are: 1 that is. In next post I will be easier to test how the OpenWeatherService will be integration. 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