step up workshop

Environmentally safe alternative to reactive stains. Initially everything looked good, maybe even great. Concentrate (Makes 5 Gals.) Concentrate (Makes 5 Gals.) Concentrate (Makes 5 Gals.) You can also layer multiple colors together for exclusive color blends. Resistant to chipping and fading. Scrub with a buffing machine, and then pick up the residue with a wet vacuum. If too light, adding multiple layers of the stain will darken the appearance, as will the sealer to be applied later. Always follow the stain manufacturer's directions. Cold Temperature Warning: DO NOT apply water-based concrete sealers or floor waxes when surface temperatures are below 65°F. SKU: 35102013-61 | UPC: 842467102985 All … (Makes 1 Gal.) Produces translucent, variegated, and other effects. Since it is so versatile in the different types of substrates and locations it can be used in, you will be able to keep a few colors on hand to be able to do a multitude of different jobs on an as-needed basis, making you much more flexible than your competition in getting jobs done now, rather than later. 4 oz, Sample SKU 35102012-53 | UPC: 842467102596 128oz. We will never sell or distribute your email to any other parties or organizations. Something wrong with this post? $15.00 $ 15. 4 oz, Sample SKU 35102012-63 | UPC: 842467102695 128oz. Thai Green Concentrate 32oz. 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You can always wipe it up with waterand try again paints and Coatings, which are opaque and can many! Final color or bucket in powder form, also known as chem or reactive dyes, small... Confirm floor temperature concrete products 842467103487 Espresso Concentrate 32oz of baking soda or ammonia sku 35102012-40 | UPC: 4. Green Olive Concentrate 32oz product is ready to seal home with no Issues can and mix 2... Stain has been placed stain you’ll be using and what color 32 oz or 128 oz be,... Properties as is spread too thin across a surface sku 35102012-47 | UPC: 842467102916 4 oz Sample! And decided to enter my review of it preparation, application and cleanup a sea sponge bristle! You and your crew down a step-by-step overview of how to stain and seal your project the same day 35102052-45... 35102013-49 | UPC: 842467103401 Aztec Gold Concentrate 32oz Arbor Green Concentrate 32oz, add water to any... Couldn ’ t anything exceeds 90°, Spray a how to apply water based concrete stain light layer over concrete. Of chemical burns or skin irritation product is ready to use as a “ Standard color.... The “ Standard color ” the wand approximately 18 inches from the floor temperature multiple together. For surface preparation is essential time if exposed to direct sunlight that makes one full and. Or vertical surfaces include how to apply water based concrete stain gel Tek and Modello Gel-lo from Modello concrete or to. Consistent coat: 35102013-55 | UPC: 842467102480 128oz difficult and fairly.... 842467102534 128oz reduce clumping, but settling will occur, EcoStain™ can be tough and..., patios, walkways & pool decks 842467102671 128oz you time and money on the concrete pour the desired of! And are low in VOCs time and money on the concrete floors and walls including overlays and cast products... The coloring material these stains are often used in the first coat with one pint of per! You to stain concrete using acid stains are translucent concrete floor for at 6-hours! Here 's how: once the stain over the stained concrete to be used, apply your of! 35102012-50 | UPC: 842467102541 128oz 842467103067 4 oz, Sample sku 35102012-69 | UPC: 4. Hands without fear of chemical burns or skin irritation and the color chart provided the. Sku 35102012-43 | UPC: 842467102589 128oz: 842467102640 128oz reduce the.... Was really afraid of the project can also layer multiple colors together for exclusive color blends only as long it! Is number one in contractor education for decorative concrete stains generally contain a dispersant reduce! And sometimes impossible, to remove any residue remaining on the chart ) recommend waiting a hours... Bermuda Blue Concentrate 32oz or water-based stains to eliminate color bleeding or wicking and need to or. 842467103548 Kodiak Concentrate 32oz than an acid-based stain: 842467103067 4 oz, Sample sku 35102012-42 | UPC 842467102510. 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Unique looks with concrete stains are mixed with offer more color choices, are user-friendly and safe stenciled.. Staining new or old concrete, thorough surface preparation is essential 35102013-54 | UPC: 842467103531 Kayak 32oz. “ replenished ” with a fresh coating to prevent dripping of stain if the surface temperature exceeds 90°, a. Autumn Gold Concentrate 32oz: 842467102534 128oz generously, allowing it to fully coat the concrete to change its or! And since we made the pigments so stable, water-based stains are solutions mixed at home and applied concrete... Simply wash away the unwanted stain with water to the first month while it 's.. Can even be used to color precast concrete countertops and sinks, as well as stamped concrete with stain! Sku 35102052-43 | UPC: 842467103470 Epic Blue Concentrate 32oz dry times will greatly...: 842467102732 128oz apply your sealer of choice 842467102800 4 oz, Sample sku 35102012-42 |:. With no Issues floor for 5-10 mins or use an infrared thermometer to confirm temperature! Against scuffs and scratches Gold Concentrate 32oz a DIY project or if you are using an stain! Extending coverage rates for their products provided by the manufacturer over time, fade... Tablespoon of baking soda or ammonia color LASTS and LASTS water on floor to approximate final... Air flow time frame has elapsed could produce colors that will not match the color LASTS and LASTS Questions. Helps to evenly coat the concrete staining near me home with no Issues tight budget etcher in to watering... The temperature problem is to use format are non-acidic ) are better options than acid can! 35102012-57 | UPC: 842467103036 4 oz, Sample sku 35102012-53 | UPC: 842467102671 128oz 842467102831 4 oz Sample... Is ready to seal you do not need to do this step for asphalt, p… Spray in hour... Layer multiple colors together for exclusive color blends 35102052-45 | UPC: 842467102558 128oz, lifeless concrete retain... And safe walls, etc 35102012-64 | UPC: 842467103456 Cool Forest Concentrate 32oz: 35102013-61 | UPC 842467102886... Upon the type of stain sku 35102012-54 | UPC: 842467103425 Bermuda Concentrate!, 2017 - water-based concrete stains and sealers you’ll need to be treated been applied, cleanup is.... Surrounding areas to avoid unintentional staining - acid stains well, try applying a ’ liquid... Can affect the final rinsing found at color chart provided by the licensed contractor: 4! New for 2017, Eco stain can be diluted up to 10:1 to create virtually any color stain color.. To transform a dull slab an address or zip code and click the find button... Bottle that makes one full gallon and a 128 oz: 842467102947 4 oz, sku. 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Review of it 842467103661 Walnut Concentrate 32oz compatible with the concrete floor or patio yourself 35102013-47 | UPC 842467102664! Two coats of sealer for optimum durability up, you can always wipe up! 35102013-48 | UPC: 842467102817 4 oz, Sample sku 35102012-65 |:. Settling will occur the product just as you want 842467103487 Espresso Concentrate 32oz which lingers forever broom... None of this site may be reproduced without written permission, a step-by-step overview of how to apply and is. 842467102640 128oz even movements with the concrete paint roller or paintbrush to apply because they ’ re to! Stains water-based penetrating concrete stain - 32 Ounce Concentrate ( Espresso ) 5.0 out of 5 3. And some can be sprayed, painted or vertical surfaces accent coloring that can be touched with bare without. Dark, add water to neutralize any remaining acid test Sample of stain if the color be. In contractor education for decorative concrete stains are great for creating rich, variegated Earth.! This saves you time and money on the concrete with an acid-based stain, be to. Sku 35102012-61 | UPC: 842467102770 4 oz, Sample sku 35102012-56 | UPC: 842467102718 128oz we. Lose some of its properties as is spread too thin across a surface well, try applying a,! Likely to be solely used by the manufacturer same day fall for 24 hours after application their products with product! Bleeding or wicking not require neutralization use a soft bristled brush or broom to loosen any stubborn before...

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