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Both Roman Catholic and Protestant missionaries were sent to remote areas in order to convert people to Christianity. When larger European nations like the Dutch, English and French arrived in the area, Portuguese power and control ended, and by 1650 they only had control in ports such as Delagoa Bay, Mozambique Island and Mombasa. The British built a railway system throughout India and introduced a telegraph and telephone system. The Kongo became powerful through war and capturing and enslaving the people they defeated. The Spanish encountered particularly fierce resistance from the Auracanian tribes. That famous Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar in adoration and admiration of the advanced Africa exclaimed, “ex Africa semper aliquid novi!” (Out of Africa always something new!). Picture source: Cape Town Archives. The bad side that Colonialism added to Africa will be considered in this section. The boers were not allowed to enslave the indigenous people of South Africa, so these Khoikhoi servants remained free citizens, but they were seldom paid wages. For instance, the “Atlantic” Ocean was called the Ethiopian Sea as late as 1626 and the so-called “Indian” Ocean the Azanian Sea. In 1542 the Spanish founded the city of Mérida in the north-western corner of Mexico, but they controlled only some of the areas around this city. In our thinking, a complete break in history would be unacceptable. The Khoikhoi found different ways to resist Dutch expansion. Secondly, education is the key to the development of Africa, wise control of her raw materials and use of her human resources. This control included various functions of government such as making laws, issuing currency, negotiating treaties, waging war and administering justice. For centuries Arabs had traded with African kingdoms such as Great Zimbabwe and Mwanamutapa in order to supply Arabia, the Persian Gulf, India and even China with African ivory and gold. The Rev. 4 Traditions Lost With colonialism, which began in South Africa in 1652, came the Slavery and Forced Labour Model. The second is the impacts of colonialism in Africa. On his first voyage, Columbus claimed San Salvador, Cuba and Hispaniola as Spanish possessions. Zanzibar was the first of these cities to be attacked in 1503. It survived as the last Inca stronghold until the Spanish conquered it in 1572 and executed its ruler, Tupac AmarÁº. Competition and rivalry among the colonial powers often resulted in war, as they tried to take over each other's colonies. Only kingdoms that co-operated with the Portuguese benefited from this interference. As a result, hundreds of Khoikhoi people were killed. History is a clock that tells a people their historical time of the day. The critical question is whether we can afford not to win such a life and death struggle and therefore, continue to be the wretched of the earth in our own country and continent. Let me now move on to North East Africa - ancient Egypt, and to other issues about Africa. The challenge of Africa Liberation Day in 2O12 is for this generation to reflect on their commitment to the vision of Pan Africanist pioneers that worked so hard to bring Africans to where they are today. This area was part of the Mogul Empire and its emperor attacked Calcutta in 1756. It was only after long and bloodied battles that they gave up their capitals to the invaders. The battle cry is now for economic liberation of Africa and her technological advancement. Prior to this time, world superpowers such as Portugal, France, and Britain had already set up colonies in Africa. They were granted large pieces of land each and allowed their cattle to graze on the land until it was overgrazed and then they would move on. The uprising did not upset British rule, but many lives were lost during this rebellion. A divided Africa cannot defeat these plunderers and thieves. The exploitation of mineral and other resources provided great wealth for the colonising country. The result of these atrocities according to Sir H.H. The majority of the population practise traditional African religions or no religion at all. Although they did not rule democratically, the British did leave this legacy to the country when they granted it independence in 1947. According to the present state of research on the origins of the progress of human kind and civilisation, the Mother of Mankind; Africa remains the privileged source of the manifestations of intense human creativity.”, Africa was destroyed by imperialist Europe and is still being destroyed by Europe. From voyages of trade and discovery to colonisation: This section of the grade 10 curriculum was developed in 2009. Many South Africans are the descendents of slaves brought to the … The economic freedom of Africa is winnable. A number of companies were formed in Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to further expand trade with the East. The Dutch East India Company (known by the Dutch abbreviation VOC) was established in 1602 to conduct Dutch trade with the East Indies. Both slavery and colonisation provided cheap labour which increased profits and added to the wealth of the colonisers. The spread of Christianity throughout the world was made possible by missionary activities. Africa’s arable land for food security is reported to be the largest in the world. Most settlers were involved in mining the vast amounts of silver and gold that existed in Peru. The Portuguese introduced guns to the region which changed the nature of warfare and enabled their allies to dominate other kingdoms. Contested settlement colonies Seventy percent of the Herero population died of dehydration in that desert. Any careful analysis will show that British colonialism still plays a major role in the tragedies and disasters we see in Africa today. The Zimbabwe Buildings that Africans built have been attributed to “foreigners” who vanished into thin air and cannot be found! The legacy of the Portuguese in western-central Africa, Portuguese trading stations in East Africa, A map drawn in Spain dated 1375, showing the king of Mali holding a gold nugget. Address at AZAPO commemoration of Africa Liberation Day, Pimville Community Hall Soweto, 26 May 2012, Effects of colonialism on Africa's past and present, Expanding access to justice through community paralegals, Reclaiming the narrative: Youth activism in the East African region, View more articles on Advocacy and Campaigns, South Africa’s liberation struggle history revisited, The Zerai Model of gendered people-centred approach to governance, ICT and social justice, View more articles on Books, Arts and Culture, Universal healthcare in Africa is a necessity for genuine development, The current state of South Africa’s public health care. In the world context, colonialism had very heterogeneous effects, operating through many mechanisms, sometimes encouraging development sometimes retarding it. Some even joined boer commandos and attacked other Khoikhoi groups. These companies were given charters to trade by the governments of their countries. * Please do not take Pambazuka for granted! Francisco Pizarro was the Spanish conqueror of Peru. The result of this has been an exchange of ideas, technology and traditions. The powerful Ottoman Empire blocked European access to markets in the East. In fact, in 1990, Dr. Gert Viljoen who was F.W. As soon as the commandos returned to their farms, the Khoikhoi attacked again, setting in motion a continuous cycle of attack and counter-attack. The Spaniards conquered the remaining Aztecs and took over their lands, forcing them to work in gold mines and on Spanish estates. The history of European colonisation has been not only of land dispossession but of destroying African knowledge. Certain colonies were acquired for their strategic importance. Further south Lourenco Marques was sent to Delagoa Bay to establish trade with the indigenous people living there. In the sixteenth century the Portuguese drove the Arabs away from the east coast of Africa and established their own trade monopoly in the region. From 1770 to 1870 the region became more fully integrated into the world capitalist economy. Among these pioneers of Pan Africanism, allow me to mention and honour a few in the Diaspora such as Henry Sylvester Williams, Marcus Garvey, W.E. Many Blacks call it Azania....The name sounds a warning note of a break in history. As the colonial trade became more competitive, trading stations grew into colonies of settlement. The English East India Company founded trading stations known as factories at Surat (1612) and Madras (1639) (now Chennai) under the authority of the Mogul Empire. They found the climate inhospitable and many died of tropical diseases. Wheat and grapes for wine were grown in this area for the settlement and for export to the passing ships. By 1750 the French managed to place themselves in a powerful position in southern India, but a year later British troops took the French south-eastern stronghold by force. In modern Angola, about ninety per cent of the population is Christian, mainly Catholic, as a result of Portuguese missionary activity in the area. They made use of both Indian and British soldiers to gain more land. The Portuguese rulers believed it was their duty to spread the Catholic religion. From Sofala they conducted trade in ivory, gold and slaves with the Mwanamutapa kingdom. The settlers were sold slaves from Madagascar, Mozambique and Indonesia to work the land. In the early 1500s the Spanish began to conquer the mainland of Central and South America. Until now, he (the African) has been subjected to a school system which drew him away from his community and misled him by showing him the green pastures of the European society where he is not allowed to graze.” (‘Apartheid: The Story Of A Dispossessed People, Motsoko Pheko page 15O Marram Books London 1984). The fall of Tenochtitlán marked the end of the Aztec civilisation, which had existed for centuries. The riches of Africa and her raw materials fuelled the economies of imperialist countries. Its effectiveness and prowess were demonstrated at the 5th Pan African Congress in Manchester in 1945. Negative Effects Of Colonialism In Africa. At the port of Malindi, he found an experienced Arab navigator, Ibn Majid, who joined the expedition and showed him the sea route to India across the Indian Ocean. Cortés defeated the enemies of the Aztecs, the Tlaxcalans, and then formed an alliance with them in order to defeat the Aztecs. Pan-Africanism is more relevant to the African world today than when it was formalised over one hundred and twenty years ago. They built forts along the coastline of Africa and Asia to protect their trade and did not try to control land in the interior. Mozambique (Portuguese East Africa) was only recognised as a Portuguese colony by the other European powers in 1885. Portuguese is still spoken in Mozambique, but the majority of the rural population speaks one of the indigenous Bantu languages. On the other hand, colonialism provided opportunities for people of different races, religions and cultures to meet, live and work together. The Portuguese dominated the trade routes on the coast of India during the sixteenth century. But they are now reminding this generation that there is much to be done. This means that they were well positioned in times of war. There will also be conclusion/refl ections at the end of the chapter. Africa was “the first world” economically and technologically NOT the “third world” of paupers robbed of their lands and riches. Otherwise, Africa’s authentic liberation will never arrive. As the French and British were fighting over the control of India's trade, the Mogul Empire was experiencing serious problems and regional kingdoms were becoming more powerful. That is political freedom. During the Second World War, the Nazi forces of Hitler over-ran Belgium. Other African scripts were Merotic, Coptic, Amharic, Sabean, G’eez, Nsibidi of Nigeria and Mende of Mali. Queen Victoria of Britain appointed a viceroy to rule India. He is a former Member of the South African Parliament as well as a former Representative of the victims of apartheid at the United Nations in New York as well as at the UN Commission On Human Rights in Geneva. Like the Aztecs in Mexico, they had no immunity against European diseases and they died in their thousands. Although it can be argued that the imperialism of South Africa was not the best, there were some benefits. These colonists fought among themselves and with the inhabitants of the island. The boers then settled on their land. We need to ignite our Pan African Nationalism. During the 1480s the Portuguese came into contact with the kingdom of the Kongo, situated south of the Congo river in what is today northern Angola. They were also constantly attacked by hostile inhabitants of the area and were unable to conquer the interior of Africa. During the phase of colonial settlement, European countries sent settlers to inhabit and control large areas of land. Well, Congo was their colony. Portuguese, Malay and Khoikhoi words were included in the common language now spoken, which became known as 'Afrikaans'. That education must be free for the poor. In popular parlance, discussions of colonialism in Africa usually focus on the European conquests of the New Imperialism and the Scramble for Africa (1884-1914) era, followed by gradual decolonisation. It was against this background of genocide in the name of “European civilisation” that Africans in the Diaspora who had been shipped from Africa and enslaved in the West Indies and in the Americas realised that the solution to Africa’s people both at home and abroad was Pan-Africanism. But it demands justice for African people. Economic reasons They arrived with heavily-armed ships and demanded that the Muslim sultans (or rulers) accept the authority of the king of Portugal by paying a large tribute. The traffic in slaves more than made up for this disappointment. Jan van Riebeeck was appointed commander of this station. Jan Van Riebeeck and his crew, holding the Dutch East India Company flag, arrive at the Cape of Good Hope and meet the Khoikhoi. Of course, the offspring of colonialists and their neo-colonialist collaborators hate the name Azania because it is not their master’s name. He is still in command. After the conquest of the Inca Empire, a Spanish force moved southward to found the city of Santiago in 1541. As a result of this he was not a popular ruler. These Western nations even required that disagreements involving Europeans in these areas be judged according to Western laws in Western courts. Trading stations were also established at Quilimane north of Sofala, and at Sena and Tete along the Zambezi River. It is the language used by educated businessmen and politicians. In this way, the Portuguese diverted the trade in gold and slaves away from the trans-Saharan routes causing their decline and increased their own status as a powerful trading nation. Would Africa’s economic development have been different without colonialism? Pan African Nationalism views the personhood and humanity of the African people and of the people of African descent as equal to any other human beings on this planet. B. The Dutch built a fort on the Cape peninsula to defend the colony against attack from rival colonial powers. In the 1490s sugar plantations were established on the islands of São Tomé and Principé. To acquire this land outside Europe, Europeans did not use law, justice or money. Europeans used spices such as salt, nutmeg and cloves to preserve their meat, as they did not have refrigerators to keep meat fresh. It remained… Africans remain the poorest people in the world amidst their own riches in their own African Continent. Wars were fought between rival empires who wanted the same land or to defeat rebellious indigenous inhabitants. When the Spaniards saw large amounts of gold and other treasures, they captured the emperor and began to rule the empire. Employees of the company planted vegetables and obtained meat from the Khoikhoi so that they could supply the ships as they called in at Table Bay. In Central and South America, the Spanish settlers eventually intermarried with the Incas and Aztecs as most of the settlers were men. While the Portuguese were looking for a route to India around Africa, the Spanish were looking for a western route. It was Hieroglyphics before 3OOO B.C. He was convinced he had found the East Indies. Source: South African National Library. However, colonies were expensive to run, especially if wars were involved. Merino sheep became the main component of South Africa’s export trade British colonization of South Africa impacted the trade, “Regime change” is the new name coined by imperialists to continue with colonialism in a new form. These scholars could not dispute that, whatever date was, the location was Africa – Alkebu Lan, “the Mother of Nations.”, The well-known archaeologist in Kenya, Dr. L.S.B. Missionary activity began in 1560. During the fifteenth century the Portuguese began to explore the west coast of Africa. The Portuguese settlers on these islands used slaves bought from the Kongo traders to work on these plantations. No African child must be without education, merely because of his or her condition of poverty. Africa needs a diverse education that is tailored to the economic needs of her people. The Congress of Berlin, held between 1884 and 1885, laid out the rules for European colonization, meaning in the 30 years following, European countries divided up newly colonized territories in a series of bilateral agreements. They arrived in Calicut in 1498. Right from India to Africa, people were being enslaved and taken to the mother country. This led to the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857, in which Indian soldiers (called sepoys) staged an armed uprising. He said, “We want to change our approach. There was massive loss of African population and skills. A well armed army under General Lothar von Trotha defeated the Hereros at the Battle of Waterberg. Angola only became a Portuguese colonial settlement after the decline of the slave trade in the nineteenth century. A peoples’ history tells them who they are. President Nicolas Sarkozy of France who enthusiastically created a “New Libya” in the imperialist war for “regime change” seems headed for the political dustbin of history. As the late President Kwame Nkrumah put it, “If Africa’s resources were used in her own development they would place Africa among the most modernised continents of the world. Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe the Pan-Africanist giant that was banned “this side of eternity” as John B. Vorster put it, declared, “The potential wealth of Africa in minerals, oil, hydro-electric power, and so on, is immense.” Sobukwe envisioned that by the end of the 2Oth century, “the standard of living of the African masses will undoubtedly have arisen dramatically.” Lo! Trading Stations He or she indulges in idolatry which is the worship of a false god. He built a fort and left behind Spanish soldiers to hunt for gold on Hispaniola, while he returned to Spain (These men were later murdered by the inhabitants of the island for mistreating them). They built forts at Cape Blanco, Sierra Leone and Elmina to protect their trading stations from rival European traders. The challenge of Africa Liberation Day 2O12 is for this generation to reflect on their commitment to the vision of Pan-Africanist pioneers who worked so hard to bring Africans to where they are today. In reaction, the trekboers formed themselves into military groups called 'commandos' and attacked the Khoikhoi in order to get back their cattle. They brought with them cannons, mastiff dogs and sixteen horses. The Belgians established their government-in-exile in London. COLONIALIST BARBARIANS HONOURED BY THEIR IMPERIALIST COUNTRIES. The city's present-day cathedral rises over the ruins of an Aztec temple and the palace of the Mexican president stands on the site of the palace of Montezuma. The Portuguese destroyed the Arab trade routes in the Indian Ocean between Africa, Arabia and India. Gold, in particular, was a highly sought-after commodity. A quick way to remember the main reasons for establishing colonies is 'gold, God and glory', but you need to understand each reason in more detail. The attempts by Columbus and da Gama to find new trade routes to the East encouraged exploration in other areas. Knowledge is power. South Africa offers an interesting case for the examination of the legacy effects of colonialism. Britain did not control the whole of India at this time. MAWUBUYE UMHLABA WETHU NEMALI YETHU! Up to the 14th century A.D. Africa was ahead of Europe or on par with Europe militarily. In the Americas, many Native Americans died from diseases that were brought to their land by Europeans. The colonisation of South Africa The colonisation of South Africa is mostly attributed to the Europeans. The colonising country could prevent competitors from trading with its colonies. Britain dominated trade in India after the collapse of the Mogul empire. The fact that colonialism had positive effects on development in some contexts does not mean that it did not have devastating negative effects on indigenous populations and society. Source: The Aztec and Inca Empires covered very large areas and consisted of millions of people. This is corroborated by “the father of European history,” Herodotus himself. Trek Boers in the Karoo. The colonial minority has entrenched 87% of the land for itself. This has not happened. Over the past 500 years there have been different phases of colonisation. An African nation that exports its raw materials unprocessed will remain a perpetual pauper. The background shows the Dutch settlement and way of life beginning to take root. The expansion of European trade resulted in the colonisation of five continents over a period of five centuries. He and the other settlers brought no land here on their ships. They gained control over the fertile central region of present-day Chile. Today, Africa as a whole is behind in technological development and usage when compared to the rest of the world. It did. The British Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill bore testimony to this fact when he said: “Our possession of the West Indies gave us the strength, the support, but especially the capital, the wealth, at the time when no other European nations possessed such reserve, which enabled us to come through the great struggles of the Napoleonic Wars. The Spanish were allowed to force the Incas to work for them for low wages. There were many others such as the Twi alphabet of the Twi people of Ghana. Abiola was a staunch defender of Africa’s economic liberation. Colonies of exploitation did not attract large numbers of permanent European settlers. Yes, we may be Jamaicans, Tanzanians, Trinidadians, Kenyans, Zimbabweans, Angolans, Nigerians, Ghanaians, Basotho, Zambians, Namibians, South Africans, Azanians, African Americans, Afro- Brazilians etc. Kenny, Piet Retief, Cape Town and Pretoria: Human & Reason, 1976 page 77), When introducing inferior education for African mental enslavement in South Africa, Hendrik F. Verwoerd that arch implementer of apartheid colonialism said, “There is no place for him (the African) in the European community above the level of certain forms of labour. He had earlier said: “The question of robbing natives of their land is not whether it is right or wrong to plunder their land, massacre and exterminate the Hottentots, the Kaffirs...the simple question is will it PAY? In the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries the Netherlands became the wealthiest European trading nation, until Britain challenged them in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. While at the end of the colonial period imperial interests still controlled the economies of the region, by the end of the 20th century South Africa had become the dominant economic power. In South Africa the Khoisan people were exterminated by colonialists after being hunted like animals and dispossessed of their land. In his speech inter alia, he said: “Our demand for reparations is based on the tripod of moral, historical and legal argument....Who knows what path Africa’s social development would have taken if great centres of African civilisation had not been destroyed in search of human cargo by Europeans? Forces that are determined to make us their perpetual slaves work together against us. You learnt about the wealthy and powerful, The Colonising Camera photographs in the making of Namibian History, Grade 10 - Topic 1: The world around 1600. In the Eastern Cape, many Khoikhoi people were absorbed into Xhosa society. Long-term Effects of European Colonization on Africa Essay. The Ottoman Turks controlled trade routes to the East. Pan-Africanism was formally organised in 19OO by Selvester Henry Williams. Only two per cent of the Indian population can speak English. Missionaries also offered the indigenous people Western education and medical care, which they believed were better than those offered by traditional teachers and healers. It was his responsibility to build a fort for their protection and a hospital for sick sailors. The British government honoured its colonial officials such as “Sir Andries Stockkenstrom”. Source: This was the original model of colonialism brought by the Dutch in 1652, and subsequently exported from the Western Cape to the Afrikaner Republics of the Orange Free State and the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek. Whenever an African country is about to be liberated, imperialists have always divided liberation movements into radicals, extremists and militants and so-called moderates. Using military force, each of the European colonial powers dominated world trade at different times. And these African children must be taught the true history of Africa, not the colonial history of Africa’s invaders that is full of perfidy to protect their colonial interests. The people of mixed racial descent are known as mestizo and now form the majority of the population. This is known as the Second Khoikhoi-Dutch War. That was centuries before Jan van Riebeeck arrived in Azania on 6th April 1652. But Africa’s wealth is used for the development of overseas interests.”. 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